
India is famous for its kind of festivals and fairs; most of the fair held in India are either religious fairs or related to celebration of change of seasons. Similarly, the people of Himachal Pradesh which is also known as Dev Bhumi, celebrate many traditional and seasonal fairs which reflect spiritual and ethical values of our forefathers. Also in ancient Himachal the means of entertainment were extremely limited and modern highly technological sources of trade were also almost non-existent. The people were in practice of visiting the far-away markets of adjoining Punjab and Haryana states or wait for these fairs and festivals in which the traders from outside states come for sale of various house-hold items. Rural folk of Suket regime also used to wait eagerly for the Nalwar and Devta Fair which was of utmost importance from economical as well as spiritual angles for them. A large number of deities from all over the Suket visit here on the occasion of Devta Mela and rural folk who have high belief in these deities seek blessings of all at one place. At the same time cattle traders visit Nalwar fair from outside the state with good quality cattles, mostly bulls and local people buy them according to their suitability and choice. In present scenario the various household items are sold in reasonable prices by the traders from outside the state and rural people buy and stock it for the whole family for complete year.
In the beginning the Mela was organized by the local folk and the representatives of Suket regime and later its management came into the hands of Municipal Committee Sundernagar as the size of Mela grew enormously over the years. The Municipality of Sundernagar also managed the fair for quite a long period but its size continued to grow and finally on the basis of participation of masses, volume of trade and transactions the fair was declared as State Level Fair and local administration was assigned the duty of management of this fair. Since then the fair is being managed by local administration with the help of all the departments, beopar mandals, many non-government organizations, and all the local people. Though Sub Divisional Officer (civil) is head of the committee but we face financial constraints in managing finances for celebration of this Mela. The major source of finance is the auction of shops in Jawahar Park where the traders pay lump-sum amount when the auction is held for the shops and the voluntary contribution received from general public. But it is the ever-increasing trend that people demand for high quality in every sphere. We also try our level best to provide the high quality services and facilities to all the visitors but because of financial constraints we are compelled to cut the facilities and can not reach the expected level.
It is thus important to raise the level of finances for this fair from the present level to more heights and this can only be done with the liberal contributions from the general public, contractors, govt. / non-govt. organizations, companies, shopkeepers and all other diverse sectors. We therefore humbly request you to show your generosity and contribute towards State Level Nalwar and State Devta Fair – 2019 fund so that the existing level of facilities, amenities, conveniences and services could be taken to the next level.
We humbly request you to be an integrated part of this fair management and visit the office of the Chairman Mela Committee cum SDO © Sundernagar for financial contribution and even for suggestion in this regards.